The Largest Known Quarantine in Human History
24 February 2020
WUHAN/HUBEI PROVINCE, CHINA (AGN News) – The largest known quarantine in history continues in Hubei province, China. In an effort to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, also called the coronavirus, Chinese officials have imposed a lockdown of over 50 million people in and around Wuhan.
The virus has now taken the lives of over 2,500 people in China and infected nearly 80,000. While not all of China’s provinces are under lockdown, many cities have imposed some sort of travel restrictions affecting some 780 million people – almost half of China’s population.
The Chinese government reported as of today, Monday, there were over 40,000 cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan (a city of 11,000,000). The death toll includes medical workers, including doctors, who are working to contain the virus.
In other countries, including Iran, Italy, and South Korea, where restrictions on travel and lockdowns are going into effect, has alarmed many citizens.
The World Health Organization has warned over this weekend that the “window of opportunity is narrowing” to try to contain the virus.
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