POLICE CRIMES II: Tyre Nichols was beaten, tasered, kicked, medically neglected by five Memphis police officers and died following a traffic stop
AGN.News Team
January 28, 2023
MEMPHIS (AGN.News) – On January 10, 2023, Tyre Nichols (29), an off-duty FedEx employee, father of a four-year-old boy, devoted skateboarder, and an amateur photographer who recently enrolled in photography class, was stopped by Memphis police for a yet unproven traffic violation, with no ticket having been issued.
No one rendered immediate medical assistance to Mr Nichols even though medical professionals were on-scene for several minutes. Nichols was eventually transported to a local hospital where he died three days after the beating.
Its been reported that Mr Nichols suffered a heart attack and ruptured kidneys as a result of the trauma he went through or as a result of the vicious beating by MPD former officers.
Protesters’ tribute to Tyre Nichols
Memphis Police Director Cerelyn “CJ” Davis said, “This incident was heinous, reckless, and inhumane.” Then she added, “When the video is released in the coming days, you will see this for yourselves.”
Protesters saw the video and rather than resorting to violence, they paid tribute to him nationwide and held candlelight vigils while holding signs reading, ‘Justice for Tyre Nichols’ high above their heads.
In Times Square in Manhattan a protester, filled with passion, was arrested for damaging a police cruiser. Others carried signs and chanted, ‘Justice for Tyre Nichols’.
In Washington, demonstrators gathered outside the White House in Lafayette Park, Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, in Washington, to protest over the death of Tyre Nichols in Memphis.
On Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, in Washington D.C., an image of Tyre Nichols, who died after being beaten by Memphis police officers on Jan. 7, was displayed on a building as people gathered to protest over his death.
Memphis community reacts to Nichols’ death
Tyre Nichols had a passion for photography and was described by friends as joyful and lovable. Nichols was just minutes from his home in Memphis on Jan. 7, 2023, when he was pulled over by police and fatally beaten. Five Memphis police officers have since been charged with second-degree murder and other offenses.
The Memphis community have been protesting this killing for weeks. Those who knew Mr Nichols, are shocked by the brutality heaped upon him, not by criminals in the street, but by members of ‘law enforcement’ who should have protected him.
How did law enforcement react?
Local law enforcement officials and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) announced the arrest of the five officers as well as the charges against them. MFD suspended two paramedics.
Shelby County Sheriff, the honorable Floyd Bonner, announced an investigation of several deputies who were on-scene without permission.
Also on Thursday, January 26, 2023, David Rausch, a thirty-year-plus law enforcement officer and director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI), said what happened in Nichols’ arrest was “criminal” and “not at all proper policing.”
Other veteran public safety officials said they’re shocked and sickened by what they saw in the video. Admitting, “What happened here does not at all reflect proper policing.”
Who are the officers?
The five Black officers, all of whom joined the Memphis Police Department in the last six years, were fired last week after an investigation found them to be “directly responsible for the physical abuse of Mr Nichols”.
They are: Tadarrius Bean, Demetrius Haley, Desmond Mills, Jr, Emmitt Martin III and Justin Smith. They were all arrested and charged with second-degree murder. They are all in custody, jail records show.
Scorpion unit permanently disbanded!
These five officers were part of a special crimes division called SCORPION (street Crimes Operation to Restore Peace in Our Neighborhoods) unit. They were assembled to fight violent crime in the city’s hot spots.
The unit is composed of three teams of about 30 officers whose stated aim is to target violent offenders in areas beset by high crime. It had been inactive since Nichols’ Jan. 7 arrest.
On Saturday, January 28, 2023, the city of Memphis announced the permanent disbanding of the SCORPION unit. This is an acknowledgement of the gross failure of the unit to protect the community from crimes when the unit itself is staffed by criminals.
Police Director Cerelyn “CJ” Davis acted a day after the harrowing video emerged, saying she listened to Nichols’ relatives, community leaders and uninvolved officers in making the decision.
Her announcement came as the nation and the city struggled to come to grips with the violence of the officers, who are also Black.
The Tyre Nichols beating and his ultimate murder caught on video… renewed doubts about why fatal encounters with law enforcement keep happening despite repeated calls for change.
What did these officers do?
On the night of January 7, 2023, These five former officers pepper sprayed, kicked him in his face and body several times like ‘kicking a football’ on a football field, hit him in the face several times with clinched fists, medically neglected and tasered him repeatedly.
One officer pulled out his expandable baton and beat Mr Nichols mercilessly with all the force he had as he swung the baton hitting Mr Nichols several times.
As Mr Nichols, now propped up against a car, bleeding, suffering from repeated blows to his head and body was not given basic medical attention for several minutes even though paramedics were standing just feet from him.
What was the lawyers’ reaction?
Civil rights lawyer Ben Crump called the video “appalling, heinous, violent and troublesome.”
“We’re seeing evidence of what happens to Black and brown people from simple traffic stops,” Mr Crump said. “You should not be killed from a simple traffic stop.”
“Regrettably, it reminded us of (the) Rodney King video,” added Mr Crump.
“He was a human piñata,” lawyer Antonio Romanucci said of its contents. “It was an unadulterated, unabashed, non-stop beating of this young man for three minutes.”
Mr Nichols was stopped by police on his way home after taking photos of a sunset at a local park, an attorney for the family said.
The lawyer said after reviewing the footage that it shows Mr Nichols being pepper-sprayed, tasered, restrained and kicked.
Nationwide reaction to Nichols’ death
Memphis activists and community members gathering in downtown. They said they are calling for justice for Tyre. “This is our city… we aren’t going anywhere.” – said one activist.
On Friday, Jan. 27, 2023, protesters gathered in Lafayette Park outside the White House in Washington, over the death of Tyre Nichols, who died after being beaten by Memphis police.
In Boston, about 100 protesters gathered and said, “Who decided that we have to live this way? A system that is deeply racist to its core. I want more for myself and my family.”
#Boston held a #TyreNichols protest at Park St station of about 100 people. They held signs for people who died at the hands of local police. Those police-caused deaths included #Bostonians #SayadFaisal, #TerrenceColeman, and #JustonRoot
Approximately 20 people had gathered within 30 minutes of the video’s release in Asheville, North Carolina, where protesters were heard saying, “If we don’t get no justice, then they don’t get no peace.”
Investigations into Nichols’ death ongoing
The Department of Justice, Tennessee Bureau of Investigations (TBI), and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) are also conducting an investigation to determine if Mr Nichols’ civil rights were violated and more.
On January 24, the five officers involved were arrested and charged with second-degree murder and other offenses including official misconduct, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping and official oppression.
Shelby County District Attorney Steve Mulroy told a news conference that although the officers played different roles in the killing, he said, “they are all responsible.”
Memphis Police Department (MPD) has an ongoing investigation of other officers who were on-scene during the brutal attack on Mr Nichols.
Memphis Fire Department (MFD) has an ongoing investigation of several paramedics who were on-scene during the brutal attack on Mr Nichols but did not provide immediate medical care.
Shelby County Sheriff Department (SCSO) has an ongoing investigation of several deputies who were on-scene during the brutal attack on Mr Nichols by MPD officers.
Also on Thursday, David Rausch, director of the TBI, said what happened in Nichols’ arrest was “criminal” and “not at all proper policing.”
On Thursday, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) said bonds set for Haley and Martin were at $350,000 while Bean, Mills, and Smith were at $250,000 each.
According to court records, four of the five former officers bonded out of jail.
Body camera video have been released
Video of the beating death of Tyre Nichols was released by the city of Memphis on Friday, January 27, 2023 at 6:00 pm Central Time.
Please be advised: The video contains graphic violence that some viewers may find very disturbing. This video may not be suitable for children to watch. Extreme caution is advised.
Funeral services for Tyre Nichols
Rev. Al Sharpton will deliver the eulogy for Tyre Nichols’ funeral on Feb. 1 in Memphis. Sharpton, an American civil rights activist, was asked by the Nichols family to deliver the eulogy.
The funeral will take place 10:30 a.m. Feb. 1 at the Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis.
Pastor Jason Lawrence Turner, secretary-treasurer for the Board of The National Action Network, is hosting the event.
This is a developing story, so check back for updates.
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