Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz says state veterans and their families can get up to $2,000 bonus, must apply to receive it
AGN.News Team
June 1, 2022
SAINT PAUL (AGN.News) – Minnesota veterans and American veterans everywhere, on Monday, Memorial Day, were reminded of the sacrifices made by so many in support of America in the U.S. military.
The state of Minnesota recently set aside $25 million to give to Minnesota veterans as a bonus up to $2,000. In order to receive the bonus one must have served between September 11, 2001 and August 2021.
The Minnesota legislature passed a law authorizing the funds, up to $2,000, to be given as a bonus to qualifying veterans.

Governor Walz said that this is a small expression of thanks to these veterans who served their state and the country in military service.
Governor Walz said, “Minnesotans care. Minnesotans want to say thank you”. Qualifying veterans will receive a bonus of $600.
The application process starts in July 2022 and veterans will have two years to submit their application.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has a goal of reaching 85% on Minnesota’s veterans with this new bonus program.
Commissioner Larry Herke says previous programs have only reached around 60% to 65% of Minnesota’s veterans. The state Department of Veterans Affairs wants everyone’s help to get the word out to all veterans.
Veterans can go to MinnesotaVeteran.org to fill out the application starting in July 2022.
Everyone is being urged by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.gov) to get vaccinated, wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands as a way to cut down on the transmission rate.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … COVID-19, contact your local healthcare provider, visit coronavirus.gov or visit cdc.gov for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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