FRAUD ALERT: Scammers are out to scam you, steal your identity, or scam you by hacking your cellphone email this holiday season
AGN.News Team
December 12, 2022
WASHINGTON (AGN.News) – This report is part of our annual holiday season Fraud Alert Series. There are many successful scams going on everyday. There is no such thing as “getting something for nothing”. Everyone is advised to STAY ALERT!
The “Stolen Card Scam” rising!
Scammers are out to steal your identity and separate you from your money by hacking your phone or email. Stolen debit and credit cards are targeted by criminal networks.
Reminder, always cover your pin numbers when making purchases. Once the scammers get your pin all they need now is the card. Stolen card scams are rising aided by “follow-home-crimes.
That’s where the “follow home crime” enters the equation. Thieves usually works in pairs. One gets the pin, then calls the accomplices whose waiting in the parking lot, then they follow the future victim home and robs the victims while they’re unloading the packages, and then drive away.
The “Imminent Danger Scam” rising
How do these thieves get your information? You might receive an email from a company that you are familiar with that looks ‘real’. It has the company logo, they may call you by name, and the tone of the email is that they are looking out for your best interests.
This email will warn you of some imminent danger to your account on a well-known e-commerce site or credit card and that you need to take action immediately or you will suffer dire consequences.
There will be a link (underlined writing usually in blue) for you to click on that will take you to their website. And guess what? The website they take you to will look like the real thing with the company logo and all.
Next, you will be asked to ‘verify’ your account, password, or credit card information. If you ever find yourself here, STOP! Do nothing. Do not fill in any personal information. Immediately exit from this website and delete the phony email that you received.
How to know that this is a ‘phishing’ email. If you did not email this company asking for information about your account or for help with a problem, be suspicious. If you are still not sure because it looks so ‘real’, call the company yourself and ask. You can find these phone numbers on your monthly statement. If it is after hours and no one is there to take your call, wait until the next day when you can reach someone. Don’t fall for the ‘imminent danger’ message and feel that you have to take action immediately.
The “Credit Card Scam” on the rise!
This year appears to be like so many other years when fraudsters attempt to use their hidden talent to “get something for nothing” by scamming the unsuspected and innocent out of their hard-earned money using credit and debit card scams.
Consumers are being advised to stay alert when shopping and/or traveling due to the rise of debit card scams being used during this holiday season.
What is a “Debit Card Scam”?
Recent reports out of Canada and across the United States have shown a rise in debit card scams. How does it work?
First, the scammer has to play the role of the victim in a legitimate business transaction. In order to gain the confidence of an individual who owns the card, the scammer has to highlight the need for “help”.
Once he or she feels you’re willing to “help” them in their hour of need, they may ask you, the real victim, to “make a deal”.
For example, the scammer might say something like this: “I tried to pay my taxi fare with cash, but they only take debit cards, can you help me? Their next move is to turn your attention to a waiting taxi. The taxi driver says, “We only take debit cards.”
Lets say the fare is fifteen dollars. The scammer hands you $15 in cash. Then he or she may ask you to hand your debit card to the driver (who is part of the scam). Now here is the scam in motion. The scammer distracts you with some words of gratitude, like “thank you very much for your help” while the partner “appears to complete the transaction”.
While you’re distracted for those few seconds, the driver scans the card (which now has your information) then gives you back what appears to be your card but in reality is a “look-alike card”. Then the driver slowly drives off with the scammer in tow and your card data.
Within minutes the two scammers are buying all sorts of merchandise with your card. Once you’re alerted to the fraud, they’re long gone.
During this holiday season, please be advised – stay alert and be watchful. Law enforcement almost always advises consumers to “trust after you verify” who you’re doing business with, always.
Fraudsters aka cyber criminals targets phones
Cyber criminals are very active this holiday season. First, they may hack your phone to find your email address. Second, they will send you an email containing link to click on containing malicious software also called malware.
Sometimes the email will activate and deposit malware on your phone just by clicking on the email. The malware is loaded onto your phone. Most often it will send data back to the “sender” without you knowing the identity of the sender.
FRAUD ALERT: Scammers uses email!
To protect yourself and enjoy the season with family and friends, DO NOT open email from people you do not know. You can always contact the person the email is suppose to have come from to verify the authenticity of the email.
RETAIL THEFT: Local theft on the rise!
Consumer fraud, skip scanning, consumer theft, and retail theft are on the rise. Local business owners and big-box stores are not forgiving. Parents with pre-teens and teenagers are encouraged or advised to talk to their children about these issues. Remind them that a criminal history lasts a lifetime.
Scammers are always looking to scam YOU. Please be advised – STAY ALERT!
Enjoy your holiday season! There is an urgent need to spread the word about scams to family and friends, STAY ALERT!
Here are some previous FRAUD ALERTS
FRAUD ALERT: Scammers are out to scam you, steal your identity, or stealing your information by hacking your cellphone email this holiday season. Prevention is the best cure! DO NOT let scammers scam you!
Scammers want to spoil holidays
This year can be a very joyous time for family and friends. We say “can be” because there are scammers who want to spoil your holiday by scamming you out of your money by any means possible. STAY ALERT!
The Crime Victims will get justice!
The Crime Victims often feel all alone and they often feel like no one cares about them. The Crime Victims can take heart in the reality is that there is a lot of support being shown behind the scene working hard to bring justice to the victims.
It often takes time to solve some crimes. Sometimes crimes are solved in hours, sometimes in days, weeks, months, or even years. The criminal mind often feels that they’ve gotten away with the crime or crimes. They don’t understand alack of publicity is not an indication they got away with it.
The wheels of Justice turns slowly
If you are a victim of cyber crimes (hacked bank accounts, money scams, threats, etc.), cyber stalking, assaults, sex crimes, property crimes, hate-crimes, or any number of crimes, you are urged to report this to law enforcement. The Crime Victims will get justice!
Sometimes, the wheels of justice turns very slowly. Patience is required while the crime victims concentrate on the healing process. The Crime Victims can remember this – criminals live in a small world and they will reap what they sow, eventually.
Reporting crimes helps the wheels of justice turn faster. Reporting crimes can be a real deterrent to local criminal activities by putting criminals in a microcosm, a much smaller world.
What should you do if you are a victim of consumer fraud or scams?
In order to collectively fight consumer fraud and scams of every sort, everyone should report all fraudsters and their online or offline schemes to local law enforcement. We should always, STAY ALERT!
Everyone is being urged by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.gov) to get vaccinated, wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands as a way to cut down on the transmission rate.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … COVID-19, contact your local healthcare provider, visit coronavirus.gov or visit cdc.gov for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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AGN.News Team
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