ELECTION 2022: Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock wins Georgia Senate race against Republican Herschel Walker for United States Senate
December 6, 2022
WASHINGTON (AGN.News) – Today, the people of Georgia gave the last seat for the United States Senate to Senator Raphael Warnock a victory in the runoff election. By winning this last Senate seat, Senator Warnock solidifies the Democrats’ majority in the 100 seat Senate (51-49).
Warnock wins and Walker concedes
Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock wins with 1,806,827 Votes or 51.3% and says, ‘The people have spoken’.
Warnock celebrates his win while the crowd erupted into chants of “six more years,” U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock took the stage at his runoff election victory party to celebrate his triumph over Republican Herschel Walker.
Warnock says, “After a hard-fought campaign – or should I say campaigns – it is my honor to utter the four most powerful words ever uttered in a democracy: The people have spoken.”
Republican Herschel Walker loses with 1,714,547 Votes or 48.7% and says, ‘we put up one heck of a fight’.
Walker speaking at the College Football Hall of Fame, said “There’s no excuses in life and I am not going to make any excuses now because we put up one heck of a fight.”
“I want to thank all of of you… Because, we’ve been through a tough journey, have we not?”
“But the best thing I‘ve ever done in my whole entire life is to run for this Senate seat right here,” he said.
Warnock hands the Senate to Democrats
Last year Senator Warnock won the seat in a runoff election from the 2020 election to become a Senator. That win gave Democrats a 50-50 split in the Senate, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote.
This election defeat by Senator Warnock gives the Democrats a Senate majority for the rest of President Joe Biden existing term which ends in 2024.
In the 2020 election, Georgia elected two Democrats to the Senate and the first United States President in 30 years, Joe Biden.
On the Federal level, the people of Georgia has turned the state “Blue” as the country comes to grip with pressing issues needing bold action to resolve.
Lessons from 2022 election losses
Herschel Walker’s defeat joins a parade of Republican candidates across the country who supported yesterday’s messaging rather than informing voters, first, how they will address problems they face with solutions, and secondly, what exactly the candidates will do to improve their lives and their community.
A sample poll of 2022 voters gives us a glimpse into the mind of the electorate:
A major take-away from this election cycle is – the majority of voters across the country cares more about their lives and the betterment of the lives of their families – rather than the complaints about past election losses.
A second major take-away was this: Americans are tired of political mud-sling, polarization, and child-like finger pointing which the majority of voters find disgusting.
Voters want politicians to work together to fix the country’s problems rather than constantly attacking their colleagues to score political points.
A third take-away was this: Look at the 2022 election losses by election deniers across the country and you will see major losses when they could have won with better messaging.
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