Coronavirus Death Toll Rises In China
By AlpLocal News
4 February 2020
HONG KONG. CHINA – The are new deaths, all were in central Hubei province, the epicenter of the virus outbreak. In the provincial capital of Wuhan, 48 people died. Across China, there were 3,235 new confirmed infections on Monday (up from 600 just 8 days ago), bringing the total number so far to 20,438. Total death toll has now exceeded 425 (up from 25 just 8 days ago).
Hong Kong closes land and sea access to the city in a bid to prevent more infections.
New infections have been reported in the US and other countries. Human to human transmission have increased globally.
Coronavirus affecting daily lives…
Airlines are now canceling flights to and from China. United Airlines is suspending U.S. bound flights from mainland China.
It’s reported that the origin of the Novel Coronavirus was from bats. The Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, China, which sold live animals is said to be the original location for the outbreak. The Wuhan Huanan Seafood Market has been closed for weeks as the government tries to contain the coronavirus.
Cruise ships are beginning to quarantine passengers for 14 days in an effort to contain the virus. Large gathering are now suspended in areas with infections.
Human to human transmission of coronavirus is primarily thought to occur among close contacts via respiratory droplets generated by sneezing and coughing. Everyone is advised to cover their mouths when coughing by coughing into their elbows.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … 2019-nCoV, contact your local healthcare provider or visit cdc.gov for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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