Death Toll Passes 649,000 From Coronavirus
27 July 2020
WASHINGTON (AGN News) – The death toll passes 649,000 from COVID-19 or the Coronavirus worldwide. More than 16,264,048 infections worldwide.
On April 2, 2020 the Coronavirus death toll crossed the 50,000 mark with more than 980,000 confirmed COVID-19 infections worldwide.
In less than 4 months later, nearly 600,000 more deaths are being reported and over 15,200,000 more confirmed global infections.
These numbers do not include those who are infected with this new Coronavirus but are showing little are no obvious signs of COVID-19 (asymptomatic).
Here are some facts you need to know …
Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a global pandemic with infections increasing everyday. In the U.S. alone there are now over 1,000 deaths everyday.
The following information may help everyone understand how they can help with containing the virus.
Brazil registered 555 deaths and 24,578 confirmed COVID-19 cases in a 24 hour period in mid July 2020.
California’s confirmed cases hit 445,400 on Saturday, July 26 and the state’s death toll so far is 8,340.
New York tallied an additional 750 cases for a total of 411,200 by the end of the day Friday, July 24, 2020 and a death toll of 33,600.
The U.S. infections exceed 4,234,140 with over 146,935 deaths. Millions of jobless claims filed thus far and hundreds of thousands more are coming in every week as businesses shutter and mandatory masks regulations take effect in the U.S.
Stores like Kohl’s, Kroger, Walmart, Sam’s Club and many more retailers are participating in the nationwide Coronavirus mandate.
In the U.S. the work-at-home requirement has now become the norm in many businesses and this appears to be an effective way to prevent COVID-19 from spreading in the workplace.
CDC: Know the symptoms. Elderly persons are at-risk. Prepare your family. Feeling ill, contact your preferred medical professional. Limit up-close personal social contacts. Wear a mask in public. Stay home. Avoid unnecessary trips. Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Keep your home surfaces clean. Avoid groups of 10 or more. Limit contacts.
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