COVID-19 Prevention Measures Can Stop the Spread! Get Your FREE Vaccines at Locations Across America
June 23, 2021
WASHINGTON (AGN.News) – COVID-19 State of Emergency are being lifted nationwide. The need for preventive measures are still ongoing.
CDC stats are indicating high infection rates where the majority of residents are declining the vaccines and low infection rates where the majority of residents have been vaccinated. The numbers tell the story.
White House coronavirus adviser Dr Anthony Fauci said, “In Washington D.C. 70% of the adult population have received at least one dose of the vaccine.” Unvaccinated Americans risk a new Covid surge in some isolated areas where low vaccination rates are – due to the incoming Delta variant, according to Dr Fauci.
Cities across America are returning to normal due to the high vaccination rate. New York state just lifted the COVID-19 State of Emergency effective on June 24, 2021.
New York City’s nightlife is returning to normal due to the state’s high vaccination rate. Over 71% of residents over 18 years of age have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and over 63% are fully vaccinated.
Not yet vaccinated?
FREE vaccinations are now available. Many local vaccine centers require no appointment vaccinations. Many pharmacies are offering free walk-in vaccinations.
Everyone is being urged by the Centers for Disease Control ( to get vaccinated, wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands as a way to cut down on the transmission rate.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … COVID-19, contact your local healthcare provider, visit or visit for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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