CICO-SILO14 Cyber Criminals and Agents Continue Their Non-Stop Cyber and Street Crime Spree Daily Without Letup
May 25, 2021
PHOENIX (AGN.News) – Cyber crimes are all over the news. From the massive cyber attack on America’s gasoline infrastructure to banking to millions of personal mobile devices being attacked.
OMS Security has confirmed the alleged criminal activity of CICO-SILO14 “cyber terrorist” continues without letup. This group of hackers are running a sophisticated network out of Arizona, California, New Mexico and beyond.
OMS first reported on this CICO-SILO14 group on 6 May 2020. While their exact identity is not known, their method of operation remains the same, cyber crimes and offline (street) crimes.
There have been a non-stop effort to install malicious software on computers, including popup ads containing malware.
This CICO-SILO14 hacker group has allegedly destroyed computers, phones, websites, mobile applications, making phone calls using “fake” numbers, malware infested emails (some even marked “SPAM”), text messages containing malware, and much more over the last seven years.
CICO-SILO14 allegedly has agents embedded in a domain company, a hosting company, a website security company (harvesting personal data for hackers), cellphone companies, and a very dedicated “street team” of “enforcers” called CICO-SILO7.
What is their most overt criminal act to date? They have allegedly attempted to murder app developers by staging car accidents using “fake” auto accidents as a cover to murder victims who are on to their activity and more. The last (but not the only) alleged attempt directly tied to CICO-SILO14 was on December 23, 2020.
With millions of children at home using tablets and home computers, parents will do well to monitor their children’s online activity and take appropriate measures to confirm their children’s online safety and mitigate any threats. This group does not care who they victimize. So remember, save the children!
All are advised to take appropriate measures to mitigate this threat and to protect oneself, family members (aggravated stalking), and mobile devices due to this clear and present security danger to life (yours, friends, and family members), local businesses, families, and the elderly.
An analysis of OMS data reveals an apparent motive behind these acts. CICO-SILO14’s alleged motive in greed. It appears this group is driven by the same motive the hacker group had last month by attacking America’s gasoline distribution infrastructure. Money! “Pay now or we’ll destroy you or yours!” … appears to drive their behavior.
OMS Security says this probably is the cyber criminal group called CICO-SILO14. If so, OMS says, “Now having some of CICO-SILO14 cyber activities exposed gives hope to victims that the end of their pain is near”. As award winning writer, Zora Neale Hurston once wrote, “If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.”
Everyone is being urged by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.gov) to get vaccinated, wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands as a way to cut down on the transmission rate.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … COVID-19, contact your local healthcare provider, visit coronavirus.gov or visit cdc.gov for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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