Breaking: CICO-SILO-14 and CICO-SILO-7 Cyber Criminals creating false-flag operations to gain control of online programs
AGN.News Team
April 10, 2022 – UPDATED May 4, 2022
PHOENIX (AGN.News) – The rise of many frustrations among CICO-SILO-14 “street teams” has now resulted to “desperate actions” according to OMS Security teams who have been monitoring CICO-SILO-14.
CICO-SILO-14 and CICO-SILO-7 Cyber Criminals are now creating false-flag operations to gain control of websites and mobile apps. – OMS Security.
What has CICO-SILO-14 been doing?
According to OMS Security, “CICO-SILO-14 leadership are very frustrated that their efforts have not brought the desired results. For over eight years they have operated in the shadows, and remains unidentified. One thing is for certain, they have used all of their tools in their tool box. Now they’re recycling some of the old ones.”
The following is a summary of past actions, some of which we’ve reported.”
Hacking cellphones was the very first “illegal act”. Hacking finance-related apps to gain access to the banking information. Theft of personal information and contacts on the phones appears to be a high priority.
Listening at phone calls, sending bogus and baiting text messages, email scams, spoofing phone numbers of incoming/outgoing calls and using those numbers to make “fake” calls to gain trust then lure their target into a compromising position for financial gain.
Just for the record, many of these alleged activities have been reported on this platform over the past four years. OMS Security confirmed much of the following:
“Going back to as early as 2015, CICO-SILO-14 hired a national private detective agency or group to track the movements of their targets. Whether on vacation, at funerals, or at work – this hired team was there tracking movements and reporting locations.
Initially, CICO-SILO-14 and their “hired-teams” used embedded individuals in major tech companies with access to servers, passwords and content within tech companies to destroy websites and mobile apps. These losses have amounted to over 4.5 million dollars in small business losses.
These digital applications were repaired or replaced due to the support of volunteers. These agents were next ordered to destroy the content of select websites or mobile applications or make it unusable.
Thanks to the support of volunteers, this effort also failed. Going back to 2016, CICO-SILO-7 (street team) were ordered to use a hotly-debated tactic. Murder-by-accident, that is, use one or two vehicle teams to run the app developers off the road in an “accident” or “forcing the targeted vehicle into on-coming traffic to make it appear to be a “head-on collision accident”.
This tactic was debated among team members but approved by “management”. So, on I-10 and other highways in four incidents, they acted (careful not to make physical contact with the targeted vehicle).
Their last attempt was on the morning of December 23, 2020. Unknown to the developers, it appears that CICO-SILO-14 have allegedly been paying neighbors to report on the movements and travel of the developers.
This “operation” was implemented by local two-man team. Once they were informed of the targets direction by unknown neighbors, they trailed the vehicle on a Phoenix highway and attacked, unsuccessfully . Once this “false flag” attack was reported on this platform, there have been no more use of this tactic to date.
During the course of the pass eight years, the leadership of CICO-SILO-14 have allegedly authorized the destruction of phone and computers.
Their “street team” were ordered in December 2021 to commence hacking of cellphones and computers 24/7, looking for financial information. By hacking into cellphones, they have an additional criminal benefit. Listen to conversations to plot their next attack.
On Saturday, April 9, 2022, CICO-SILO-7 (street team) made their move. A two-car team were preparing to create another “murder-by-accident” but the traffic would not permit it. Unknown to them, OMS Security Teams made visual contact with two vehicles who were following the lead developer along a city street. Once they realized they were close to being exposed, they fled.
Below is a screenshot of the alleged CICO-SILO-14 “street team” DEATH THREATS sent via text messages using “spoof phone numbers” immediately after the (first) “staged” attempted-murder by car accident on April 9, 2022.

Next, their “street team” allegedly brought in an “imported accomplice” in another (a third} vehicle to lay-in-wait on a neighborhood city street to (follow the same person) stage another direct-action “LDSK murder-by-a-single-person” on Saturday April 9, 2022 just after dark. Once again it failed to materialize. OMS Security unmasked this alleged direct action LDSK attempted-murder also.
OMS Security intercepted a plot to burglarize the home and perform a “false flag operation”. This would involve hacking into home computers and installing malware, also call malicious software, and install inappropriate sexually explicit images and/or content.
In addition to these felonious actions, this “operation” also called for illegally accessing personal vehicles (sometimes called burglary to a conveyance) and placing illegal contraband or substances in vehicles in order to “frame” their intended target.
Those “set-up” actions would then be anonymously reported to law enforcement (someone they’re socially involved with) using spoofed phone numbers with a high probability of success, they think. These criminal actions, they believe, would “get the desired results, “legally steal the property” with the help of law enforcement.
OMS Security says this is an organized criminal gang, some are using “private detective licenses” as a cover to carry out many of these illicit activities and operating out of Arizona and beyond.
After eight years of these non-stop alleged attacks, the victims have been informed that these crimes may qualify as hate crimes under state and federal law.
Coupled with the fact some of these crimes are also a special type of crime since they were committed to impede interstate commerce in multiple states across the United States.
Why? Hate crimes committed to cause the death or injury of victims to gain control of their intellectual properties. These victims, including a 91 year old Korean war veteran, continue to press on with the knowledge that these cyber criminals turned street criminals will be brought to justice… justice is coming, one day.
Update April 14, 2022: OMS Security has informed us of an effort afoot to unlawfully take control of this program and/or terminate this program and/or the developers in a malicious direct-action in the coming days by CICO-SILO-14 agents.
Update April 16, 2022: The warning issued by OMS Security (above) proved accurate. In the pm on Saturday, April 16, 2022, OMS detected a CICO-SILO-14 “operation” allegedly directed against cellphones.
“These agents allegedly hacked into and downloaded the entire contents of cellphones in an effort to obtain contacts, email, text messages, and other secure data contained in apps, in a covert operation. These type of alleged malign offensive operations or activities to acquire data reflects the determination of a “Putin-Sponsored” invasion of Ukraine to grab the land of a sovereign country.” – OMS Security
Update April 17, 2022: “On Easter Sunday, April 17, their “street team”, allegedly using automobiles, returned to aggravate stalking techniques to track their targets while other team members conducted on-location cyber crimes.” – OMS Security
Update April 19, 2022: OMS Security analyzed the facts of previous incidents including Saturday, April 9, 2022 and concluded the “neighbor” was allegedly the paid contact person for the “street team” going back at least two years. So, if anything happens to anyone related to this report, OMS says start with the “neighbor”.
Update May 4, 2022: OMS Security team identified a driver in a parked service truck, masquerading as an Air Condition/Plumbing service as a “front” for these cyber criminals. His role and the person he called on his cellphone appeared to confirm the identify of their “target”. This recycled action has been used before as a setup for another false-flag operation, perhaps another “fake” or staged “auto accident” or a home burglary. Justice is coming!
Stay tuned for updates
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