China’s Coronavirus is Spreading Globally
By AlpLocal News
January 23, 2020
WUHAN, CHINA – Wuhan is the epicenter of the 2019 and 2020 outbreak of novel coronavirus also called … 2019-nCoV. The coronavirus outbreak has grown in size and scope with new cases being reported. Wuhan’s public transportation has been shut down. People are advised not to enter or leave the city of 11 million.
The cities of Huanggang, Ezhou, Chibi and Zhijiang, adjacent to Wuhan, will also be placed under a similar quarantine from 24 January 2020 onward. Buses, planes, subways, and ferries were shut down today in the city of some 11 million people and other cities, a shutdown measure without precedent in its size and scale.
These measures are officially taken by the government in an effort to contain the coronavirus that has sickened over 600 and killed over 25 as of this report. It has been confirmed and there is evidence of human-to-human transmission. Extensive testing has revealed over 600 confirmed cases and rising, some of whom are healthcare workers.
Where did it come from…
A cluster of people with pneumonia with no clear cause, which was linked primarily to stallholders who worked at the Huanan Seafood Market, which also sold live animals. Reptiles, live chickens, snakes, deer, marmots, dogs, hares, civets, bats, cats and many other live animals were being sold and dressed for sale in China’s wet markets. The Huanan Seafood Market has now been shuttered, closed!
This coronavirus, 2019-nCov, has now spread globally. Confirmed cases in this fast-moving outbreak have now been found in the United States, Hong Kong, Mexico, Thailand, South Korea, Taiwan, Macau, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines.
What are the symptoms and treatments…
The World Health Organization (WHO) says the new coronavirus causes a fever, fatigue, sore throat and dry cough in the early stages of the disease. As the illness progresses, patients may experience difficulty breathing. Experts from China and America are working on an antiviral. However, there are no available vaccines for the novel coronavirus also called … 2019-nCoV.
Maria Van Kerkhove, acting head of emerging infectious diseases at the WHO, said: “Coronaviruses typically cause respiratory symptoms so we recommend basic hand hygiene such as washing hands in soap and water and respiratory hygiene so when you sneeze, sneeze into your elbow.â€
She cautioned against any unnecessary contact with live animals in China. Care should be exercised when touching fixed surfaces. Hand washing is essential to help stop the spread of this coronavirus. With this in mind, many airlines have now begun disinfecting airplanes more frequently.
Global Coronavirus Responses…
The World Health Organization (WHO) is set to meet for a second day to determine whether the outbreak should be categorized as an international health emergency.
Health professionals in China have now installed infrared thermometers to detect high body temperatures or fever. People with fevers are subsequently taken to medical institutions after being registered and given masks. Travelers from Wuhan city are being watched closely as they arrive at their destinations. Local governments are now requiring citizens to wear masks in public to help protect the public from the spread of this coronavirus.
Based on 2018 information from the International Air Transport Association, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Taipei had the largest volume of travelers from Wuhan. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates and Sydney and Melbourne in Australia were also reported as popular destinations for people traveling from Wuhan. Using the validated tool, the Infectious Disease Vulnerability Index (IDVI), to assess ability of managing a disease threat, Bali was reported as least able in preparedness, while cities in Australia were most able.
This information has allowed global states to help manage this coronavirus. This coronavirus, 2019-nCov, is being closely monitored and as of this writing, is being managed by healthcare professionals in all of the countries where cases have been confirmed.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the European Centers for Disease Control (ECDC) have initiated measures to help contain the coronavirus. Travelers from Wuhan coming to the U.S. are now being screened. Between 60,000 and 65,000 people travel from Wuhan to the United States every year, with January being a peak. At San Francisco International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City, arriving passengers began to be screened for symptoms of the virus ahead of the Chinese New Year peak travel season. As the number of cases started to increase, O’Hare International Airport in Chicago and Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport have also started screening arriving passengers.
Keep in mind, screening cannot pick up everyone as the incubation period for contracting the virus and the onset of symptoms is between six to ten days. Please seek medical assistance if you, your family or your friends have any symptoms of the coronavirus.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … 2019-nCoV, contact your local healthcare provider or visit cdc.gov for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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