Business Helping Business Is Not A New Concept!
By Daniel Wickowski
January 17, 2020
LOS ANGELES, CA – Business helping business is not a new concept. Many admired the accomplishments of the 1800s entrepreneurs and achievers during the Industrial Revolution that came after the American Civil War of 1861 – 1865. Others went into the business of destroying business. The latter later failed to succeed. In fact, the tables turned on them and many went down in history as “total losers”.
To behave as these ones did, What point did these “losers” miss? They missed the whole point of business. During that time period these entrepreneurs were called industrialists.
A business magnate or industrialist is an entrepreneur of great influence, importance, or standing in a particular enterprise or field of business.
These entrepreneurs understood business has one main objective … helping others in business and the nation’s economy, everything else would follow. Business writer and historian William Augustus Croffut made this point perfectly clear in his writings.
William Augustus Croffut wrote in 1886: “It is now known that the desire to own property is the chief difference between the Savage and the enlightened man; that aggregations of money in the hands of individuals are in inestimable blessing to Society, for without them there could be no public improvements or private enterprises, no railroads or steamships, or telegraphs; no cities, the leisure class, no schools, colleges, literature, art – in short, no civilization. The one man to whom the community owes most is the capitalist, that the menu gives, but the man who saves and invests, so that his property reproduces and multiplies itself instead of being consumed.”
Business historian Allan Nevins confirmed the benefits of business helping business. Nevins explained that the great industrialists (of the 19th century) sought to impose order and stability on competitive business, and that their work made the United States the foremost economy by the 20th century.
Somehow that message, over time, has been diluted or weakened. Today, there is some sort of notion that destroying business is the right thing to do. Business destroying business rather than business helping business. The desire to help business is not limited to businesses you know and value. This is an unlimited approach designed to help all legitimate businesses succeed.
Like Allan Nevins said, order in the business world makes for order and stability in competitive business. When this point is replaced with the negative thoughts, actions, and motivations of those whose behavior harms rather than help are called “business wreckers”. These are the ones “hiding in the shadows” and feeling they will not be found out while all of the time are fully exposed.
The country is calling on these ones to change course, stop destroying and start building business. Then the United States can and will become the foremost economy (for local business and local consumers) in this century, the 21st century.
What you can do…
If your business partner(s) ask you to perform illegal actions, reject it! If your employer ask you to participate is destroying a competitor’s business, reject it! If your employer ask you to destroy a business image through lies and innuendo, reject it! If you are a tech company and someone approaches you to hack a competitor’s website and destroy it, reject it!
The number of business closures in our local communities is an object lesson or warning designed to help change the course of local business history. With the proliferation of digital traps, identity thief, phishing emails, fake messages, scams and scammers, hacking tools, not to mention unscrupulous debt collectors, dating fraud, catfishing, opioid abusers, abusive teachers, shoplifting, and many more, consuming precious time and space. What a lesson in futility!
All of these activities harm business. These activities cost business billions of dollars every year. Those who practice these type activities fill the local news hour everyday and are contributing to the current stream of business closures. These futile efforts to harm business also hurts the perpetrators. Today is a good day to stop!
If you’re a local government, consider putting in place rules and regulations that will encourage new businesses to come and setup in your community. Gone are the days where local governments can aid in destroying business. Some local communities have lost over 33% of its citizens in the last 10 years due to outdated rules and regulations. Why?
Who will accomplish what William Augustus Croffut wrote in 1886 … if your city has fewer business owners and residents? Remember, “money in the hands of individuals are in inestimable blessing to Society, for without them there could be no public improvements or private enterprises, no railroads or steamships, or telegraphs; no cities, the leisure class, no schools, colleges, literature, art – in short, no civilization. The one man to whom the community owes most is the capitalist, that the menu gives, but the man who saves and invests, so that his property reproduces and multiplies itself instead of being consumed.”
Like one police department asked their local criminal community to cease and desist from crime because it was “too cold” for officers to go out to catch them. What an intellectual appeal!
Today is a good day to make another intellectual appeal. Can you take some time and see where you can help local business? Look into your “Help Local Business” toolbox and see how you can start helping local business. Shop Local and buy local from local business is a good place to start. Why? Because we need to do our part to help local businesses succeed. Because business helping business is not a new concept as Pulitzer Prize winner Allan Nevins once said.
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Opinion by
Daniel Wickowski