BREAKING NEWS: More than 25 power hungry leaders accused of plotting to overthrow the government of GERMANY
AGN.News Team
December 7, 2022
BERLIN (AGN.News) – Twenty-five people have been arrested across Germany on suspicion of trying to overthrow the federal government of Germany.
Members of German law enforcement are carrying out a special operation across the country to locate, detain, and arrest all of the coup plotters.
Plotters brought to German justice
It’s being reported by multiple officials in Germany that some of the plotters were armed and ready to murder anyone who got in their way. Their coup attempt was in the operational stages. Storming the Reichstag (legislature) and seize power and declare a new government was now in charge.
Their alleged plan was to setup their own German government like the “Second Reich” of 1871, replacing the existing federal authorities with ministers of their own.
A minor aristocrat, from a family of aristocrats where all of the men were named Heinrich existed until the early 1900s, described as Prince Heinrich XIII, 71, is alleged to have been the central figure behind the coup.
Who are the coup plotters?
Heinrich allegedly plotted with members of a right-wing group of terrorists and extremists known as the Reichsbürger (Citizens of the Reich) to carry out the coup.
Other suspects came from the right-wing extremist group known as QAnon. We’re reminded of members of the QAnon movement were involved in storming the U.S. Capital on January 6, 2021. Its being reported that QAnon members believe their country is in the hands of a “deep state” group of unknown actors.
These German plotters had setup their own “German Government” with their own cabinet members, from their own foreign minister to their own justice minister.
The plotters now face German justice
Federal prosecutors says the detain and arrest operation was carried out across 11 German states.
Three thousand officers took part in 130 raids across much of the country, with two people arrested in Austria and Italy. Those detained were due to be questioned later in the day.
Justice Minister Marco Buschmann tweeted that a major anti-terror operation was taking place and a suspected “armed attack on constitutional bodies was planned”.
The federal prosecutor’s office said the group had been plotting a violent coup since November 2021 and members of its central “Rat” (council) had since held regular meetings.
The terror plot came to the attention of the federal government when a group called United Patriots were allegedly planning to kidnap the health minister and setup civil war conditions to end German democracy.
Who are the coup plotters?
The plotters came from all areas of society. From the judiciary, from military backgrounds, from extremists groups, and allegedly from the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag.
Former elite special forces soldiers are alleged to be part of the plotters. These extremists were serious about overthrowing the existing German state and setup their version of government similar to the “Second Reich” of 1871.
These extraordinary events takes us back to 1933, 90 years ago almost to the day, when Nazi plotters took over the German government and setup the “Third Reich” under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.
These events are a reminder of the existence of non-stop threats to democratically elected authority. These threats to democracy are always present as nations try to identify and eliminate the threats. Democracy is always under attack because power hungry leaders want to rule with impunity.
Today, it’s Germany pushing back hard against these extremists by launching a major police operation to find, detain, arrest, and question all of the plotters before they go on-the-run.
Democracy can never be taken for granted… it must be fought for everyday against those who wish to destroy it. Peace-loving citizens should always report these threats to legitimate law enforcement.
What we’ve learned from history!
Power hungry leaders are always searching for people with extremist views so they can be manipulated into believing in the rightness of their actions – as they’re falsely convinced of a great future by staging an insurrection against democratically elected authority.
Once recruited into this group of plotters and the coup attempt succeeds they’re still deemed ‘losers’ by the leader… who one day may stage a coup of their own against the coup leaders.
Next, the leader often views the sub-plotters as a threat to his leadership and initiates a plot against them to terminate the competition. See what happened on June 13, 1933 here, for more info on how this scenario plays out.
Power-hungry, ambitious leaders, and those who follow them look like they are the ultimate power, the leaders of a movement of highly motivated people, ready to defend their leader at whatever cost.
These Historical Lessons (1-7) are proof that because these leaders are on the wrong side of history, they will ultimately fail and those of their followers will meet justice.
In the 1920s and 1930s, Hitler and his Nazi supporters felt they were going to rule the world for a thousand years as the Third Reich. Hitler died and his movement died with him.
Lesson: Corrupt leaders always lose
It only lasted just 12 years. Among the many things we’ve learned is this: power-hungry leaders who commit crimes against their fellowman, against humanity, promote terrorism, division, strife amid injustice will fail.
In Roman mythology, Cacus, (meaning bad) was a fire-breathing giant and the son of Vulcan. He was killed by Hercules after terrorizing the Aventine Hill before the founding of Rome. This is the fate of all power-hungry corrupt leaders, like Hitler, the most corrupt leader of the 20th century.
These historic events can prove to be a lesson for ordinary people. Have respect, proper conduct and behavior towards ones fellowman, ones neighbor, ones community, ones country, universal laws, law enforcement, and ones family.
Historical Lessons… encourages and promotes the positive of an idea which leads to building better communities while the negative of an idea leads to suspicion, accusations, conspiracy theory, and a less than ideal outcome.
Historical Lessons on crime, antisemitism, hate, and injustice against ordinary people by those with extreme ideology can motivate any open-minded person to weigh and prioritize the facts over conspiracy theories and disinformation. Positive will always triumph (good) over negative (evil).
Everyone is being urged by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.gov) to get vaccinated, wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands as a way to cut down on the transmission rate.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … COVID-19, contact your local healthcare provider, visit coronavirus.gov or visit cdc.gov for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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