Beirut Lebanon Rocked by Massive Explosion
5 August 2020
BEIRUT, LEBANON (AGN News) – A massive explosion in the port area of Beirut at 18:00 local time has cause physical damage to over half of the city leaving over 300,000 people homeless.
As of now, there a reports of over 100 dead and upwards of 5,000 injured. The blast was caused by 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate stored in warehouses in the port area, according to the Lebanese president.
International aid has started to arrive in the city. From France comes comes news of medical equipment, rescuers and a mobile clinic which can treat 500 people being sent to Beirut. Medical personnel, doctors, and firefighters are scheduled to arrive later today from Marseille.
The Lebanese Red Cross is on-scene providing support services including setting up temporary morgues. Many countries have offered assistance to Lebanon in this time of need. Relief efforts are ongoing from nearby countries.
The level of assistance needed in Lebanon’s port city of Beirut at this time is increasing by the minute.
Lebanon has been hard hit by the Coronavirus and a lost of economic growth this year.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … COVID-19, contact your local healthcare provider or visit coronavirus.gov, or cdc.gov for the United States response to the coronavirus.
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