2020 Smartphone Global Use Report!
By AlpLocal News
January 10, 2020
NEW YORK – SiliconValleyCompany.com reports 2020 Smartphone Global Use Report.
Everywhere we look there are people with smartphones. These personal smartphones helps provide a quick and easy way to communicate with family, friends and more.
The use of the cellphone has proven to be a tremendous asset to African cattle ranchers and farmers, to local businesses in New York, to loggers the vast wilderness of the Amazon, and to street venders in cities around the world. In fact, your’re probably reading this report on a cellphone right now.
Gone are the days when people were out of touch. Cellphones are always on or near people at all times. Through this medium quick and easy access is posible all of the time. What an invention!
Mobile Phone Use and Availability …
The number of active cellphones reached 7.1 billion in 2015. That means the number of active cellphones will exceed the total world population in a short time. This does not mean the everyone will have a mobile phone. Many countries are in the development phase of going mobile.
However, every person with a mobile device and mobile broadband will be online, surfing websites for fun, purpose, information and much more. In more than one hundred countries, the number of phones will exceed the local population soon.
2020 Cellphone use is on the rise…
Smartphone shipments worldwide are projected to add up to around 1.7 billion units in 2020. That’s around 9 billion phones in use in 2020. By 2021, 40 percent of the world’s population is projected to own a smartphone, with millions owning more than two smartphones.
In other words, there will be more in-use cellphones than there are people on the planet right now. This mobile phone use and online news comes from an announcement made by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in November 2019.
Internet use as of 1 January 2020…
ITU estimates that at the end of 2019, 53.6 per cent of the global population, or 4.1 billion people, are using the Internet.
As of December 2019 there were 129 cellular subscriptions per 100 U.S. inhabitants (422,000,000) compared to 39 per 100 inhabitants in 2000.
This makes cellular phones the greatest invention to touch the lives of the whole world. With this invention comes opportunity to connect with others using hand-held devices and for most people, an internet connection.
How Alphabet Local Helps …
As more and more nations increase the number of in-use cellphones, Alphabet Local is making available information to help maximize the use of cellular service and to create an online/offline business using premium ads for individuals, local business, online stores, charities, non-profits, corporations as well as small locally owned and/or privately owned businesses.
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