PEOPLE: Black History Month 2023 recognizes historic dates, people, places, events, liberty, and freedom
AGN.News Team
February 10, 2023
WASHINGTON (AGN.News) – Black History Month 2023 is a month of reflection. This month allows us a opportunity to recognize many of the unknown and mostly overlooked African Americans who have had a lasting impact on the oneness and greatness of America. NBCBoston.com gave us the story of one such person.
Little known Black history makers
People like Daniel Smith Sr who was born on March 11, 1932 and passed away last year in October at the age of 90 and laid the rest in October 2022 in Washington D.C.. Why is Mr Smith so special?
Daniel Smith Sr is believed to be the last person born to a parent who was an enslaved African American in US history. His father, A.B Smith was 70 years old when Daniel was born in 1932.
A.B. Smith was born into slavery in 1865 to William and Augusta Smith who were enslaved in Nelson County, Virginia. 1865 was a very historic year in America. Slavery was coming to an end with the Thirteenth Amendment and children born in slavery was also ending.
In 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. The amendment was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864.
It was passed by the House of Representatives on January 31, 1865, and ratified by the required 27 of the then 36 states on December 6, 1865, and proclaimed on December 18, 1865. It was the first of the three Reconstruction Amendments adopted following the American Civil War.
A.B. Smith was 70 years old, born during this time period when slavery would be abolished, and raised his son Daniel Smith who was born 67 years later on March 11, 1932. A.B. had a lot of history to tell. Mr Daniel Smith and his life tells us that slavery was not long ago.
Black History Month celebrates the life of A.B. Smith who was one of over three million Confederate slaves were eventually freed in 1865. Though his family and their children faced a lifetime of discrimination, they were contributors to history of America where “all men are created equal.”
African Americans are Americans!
African Americans all across America are proud of the men and women who worked hard to create an environment where their children’s children would feel safe and secure. Where they could raise their children without feeling discriminated against, a place where equality reigns.
Today, the majority of African Americans are celebrating the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of an equality in life, liberty, education, protection of human rights, and civil rights.
“Founding Fathers” knew the future
The “Founding Fathers” knew it would be challenges and obstacles to the implementing the application of the phrase “all men are created equal” but they in their own way had to deal with the events of their day. In their hearts, many of them knew African Americans were Americans also.
Many of the “Founding Fathers” would be proud of the Constitution they enacted and how it has been amended to adapt to the times. Many of them wanted to end slavery but the economy of the day, in their view, was the only option to secure their generational wealth.
A way of life would come to an end
Even Thomas Jefferson, a “Founding Father”, knew the wrongs slavery heaped upon enslaved Americans first hand. With over 600 African American slaves, Jefferson realized the complexities associated with freeing them.
Jefferson knew in his heart their descendants would one day be free to live their lives without the threat of being beaten. He knew men, like him who owned slaves, would one day find having children by an enslaved woman would end.
He knew a time would come when enslaved women would not be raped and exploited by their masters. He knew the end would come to ‘breeding’ enslaved women to increase the slave population.
He knew the century-old master-slave way of life was destined to end because he knew no country can endure when millions of people subsisted in a life of slavery. Jefferson, having lived in Europe, knew America was on the wrong side of history. He knew one day all people would be freed from slavery.
“Founders” and Black History Month
Today, not all, but some of the “Founding Fathers” would be proud of the many exemplary African American law enforcement officers who are men and women of color, who provide security to our local communities. Many of their descendants are celebrating Black History Month 2023.
These men and women are Americans protecting Americans who deserves to be respected as a people with equal rights that every American, even the offsprings of former slaveowners, regardless of color, should enjoy. This is something they wanted but could not achieve in their lifetime.
Thanks to men like Daniel Smith Sr and many others – we have a future where the legacy of liberty and freedom reigns. A future where millions will celebrate Black History Month all across the United States and beyond.
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