ALPHABET: The Alphabet Company announces several business, education, and technology programs coming in 2024
AGN.News Team
December 17, 2023
WASHINGTON (AGN.News) – The need for more and more communities to help local businesses has never been in more demand than it is today. This requires every business entity to step up and offer help.
The Alphabet Company is answering the call. As previously announced, Novelnomics will play an important role in connecting local businesses, startups, and future entrepreneurs with programs designed to help them succeed in their business development.
Alphabet Local Ads, The Job Creator, and Alphabet Global Network are poised to join the initiative connecting services, programs, and new entrepreneurs with advance business, technology, and tech education.
What is The Alphabet Company?
The Alphabet Company ( is a group of local technology entities who’re working in concert to help solve local business issues and problems they face in a very complex business environment.
The word ‘ALPHABET’ is an acronym for Alphabet Leadership Program to Help Advance Business Education and Technology. This program will now become an asset for local entrepreneurs.
ALPHABET LOCAL ADS is the tech company. LEADERSHIP is what will help the local economy. PROGRAM is the bucket of tech tools we use to HELP others entering this space to find success.
When others join in this enormous effort, we can all see progress and success in our local community. All-hands-on-deck creates conditions where everyone can ADVANCE and expand their respective economic space.
Local BUSINESS in virtually every community will see the impact of these efforts. You can join in this program because it’s not exclusive but inclusive
A key ingredient in this process is EDUCATION. When we combine EDUCATION with available and future TECHNOLOGY there can and will be an improved local economic environment.
How does ‘ALPHABET’ help communities?
‘ALPHABET’ unites community members. ‘ALPHABET’ makes it easier to connect businesses with resources. Today, almost 68% of every dollar spent in a community leaves the community with the remaining local businesses struggling for the few dollars that circle within the area to survive.
Most of those dollars that were spent in cyber space never come back into the local community. The Alphabet Company working with community business leaders can create a more equitable economic environment where more dollars stay in local businesses and circulate.
For those who want to create a home business, Alphabet Leadership Program can inspire confidence in the home business space. They’re motivated to create their very own startup. Their growing knowledge of business will become an asset as they grow their business.
Once they get to this point, they can use what they’ve learned from Alphabet Leadership Program to take the lead in their local business community and inspire others to greatness. Remember: when you shop local, always!
Everyone is being urged by the Centers for Disease Control ( to get vaccinated, wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands as a way to cut down on the transmission rate.
For more information on local responses to the novel coronavirus also called … COVID-19, contact your local healthcare provider, visit or visit for the United States response to the coronavirus.
News you can use! Enjoy the best of news from your community by Alphabet Global News.
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